
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Almond Chocolate Drink/ बादाम चॉकलेट ड्रिंक

Here is a drink for summer, my friends who is thinking to lose weight in summers and thinking for what to start with.
So drinking this smoothie in your breakfast or snack time gives you energy and even helps to stop your starving as its heavy and healthy drink with no calories and helps in boosting metabolism 

Serves- 2 cups

  1. 1 1/2 cup of milk
  2. 3 tbsp of almond butter
  3. 12-15 raisins
  4. 1 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder
  5. 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
  6. 1/2 cup ice
आवश्यक सामग्री 
  1. 1 1/2 कप दूध 
  2. 3 बड़ी चमच्च बादाम बटर 
  3. 12-15 किशमिश 
  4. 1 बड़ी चमच्च फीकी कोको पाउडर 
  5. 1/2 छोटी चमच्च वैनिला एक्सट्रेक्ट 
  6. 1/2 कप बर्फ 
  1. Mix all the ingredients and blend it to smooth.
  2. Serve this healthy drink 

  1. ऊपर बताई हुई सारी सामग्री मिक्स करे और ब्लेंड करे और सेहतमंद ड्रिंक तैयार है 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Benefits of Eating Cauliflower

Do you know how beneficial is eating cauliflower:-
Cauliflower is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6. It is a very good source of choline, dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, manganese, phosphorus, and biotin. Additionally, it is a good source of vitamin B2, protein, vitamin B1, niacin, and magnesium.

  1. Chewing Raw Cauliflower purifies Blood and is remedy for many skin diseases
  2. कच्ची फूलगोभी को साफ धोकर चबाने से खून साफ होता है और अनेक चर्मरोगों में आराम मिलता है।
  3. As cauliflower contains iron and proteins it also helps in making body strong
  4. लौह तत्वों और प्रोटीन्स के पाए जाने के कारण शारीरिक शक्ति को प्रबल बनाने में भी इसका योगदान होता है।
  5. Drinking juice of cauliflower daily empty stomach helps in curing stomach ache and colitis
  6. यदि प्रतिदिन खाली पेट एक कप गोभी के रस का सेवन किया जाए तो कोलायटिस और पेट दर्द से संबंधित विकारों में आराम मिल
  7. Drinking Juice in the night before going to sleep helps in curing constipation
  8. रात को सोने से पहले गोभी का रस पी लिया जाए तो कब्जियत की समस्या से निदान मिलता है।
  9. Chewing Raw leaves of cauliflower helps in making teeths and cavity strong
  10. कच्ची फूल गोभी के पत्ते  को चबाने से मसूडों की सूजन भी उतर जाती है

Coconut Smoothie


  1. 1 cup coconut milk
  2. 1 cup coconut water
  3. 30g dates, chopped finely and soaked in lukewarm water (to soften)
  4. 1/2 tsp finely grated ginger
  5. 1 tsp vanilla extract
  6. 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  7. 1/4 tsp ground cardamom
  8. Pinch of ground cloves
  9. 2 frozen bananas
  10. 1/2 cup ice cubes

  1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for 30-60 seconds until smooth and creamy.

Cheese Dip



  1. 60g butter
  2. 60ml flour
  3. 250ml milk
  4. 250g strong cheddar cheese, grated
  5. Cayenne pepper

  1. Melt the butter, and then stir in the flour.
  2. Cook on low heat for one minute before slowly adding the milk, stirring vigorously so as not to have lumps. 
  3. Cook on low heat for about 5 minutes or until the sauce no longer tastes floury.
  4. Add the cheese and allow to melt before adding the cayenne pepper. 
  5. Serve with nachos as snack.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Home made Lemon Peel Scrub/घर का बना हुआ नीबू के छिलको का स्क्रब

Home Made Lime/lemon Peels scrub/ घर का बना हुआ नीबू के छिलको का स्क्रब

क्या आपको पता है की नीबू में विटामिन सी होता है जो तेलिया त्वचा पे गर्मियों में भी निखार ला सकता है
क्या आप नीबू का सेवन करके  इसके छिलको को फेंक देते है..... अगर हाँ तो आगे से ऐसा न करे, नीबू प्राकृतिक फल है जिसका स्क्रब  केमिकल के 100 % नेचुरल ही रहेगा बिना किसी साइड-इफ़ेक्ट के

अब से जब भी आप नीबू का उपयोग करे उसके छिलको को धुप में सुखा ले.। इस प्रक्रिया में लगभग १० दिन की धुप लगाने के बाद इसके मिक्सर में पीस लें और एक एयर टाइट डिब्बे में रख लें अब आप नहाने से 10 मिनट पहले नीबू की पाउडर की 1/2 चमच्च को लगभग 5-6 चमच्च पानी  भिगोये और चेहरे पे लगाये, नहाते टाइम इसे धो लें

  1. इसे रोज़ाना लगाने से तेली चेहरे पे निखार आएगा
  2. इसके उपयोग से सन टैनिंग 5-7 दिनों में हलकी होकर धीरे धीरे ठीक हो जाती है। 
  3. इसके उपयोग से मुँहासे भी ठीक होते होते है। 

Do you know lime contains Vitamin C which can even bring glow in your skin in this hot summers
Do you throw-off the lime peels every time you use limes....if yes...then next time do not throw them....
Lime is a natural fruit and making scrub out of its peels will we a natural one without any chemicals and no side-effects.

the only thing you have to do is let the peels dry off in sunlight thoroughly for 10 days and whens lime peels are dried convert them in powder putting them in mixer and store this powder in a air tight container.
Use 1/2 tsp of this powder daily mixing it with water of 5-6 spoons (enough of water so that you can spread it on your face) using this scrub will benefit oily skins alott

  1.  Using this powder as a scrub will give glow to oily skins
  2. Scrubbing with this powder will clear all the sun tans on the skin
  3. Will clear the face if affected with pimples

Monday, April 27, 2015

Skin Glow Home Remedy With Saunf/Fennel Seeds

Skin Type- Dry to Normal
त्वचा- रूखी से सामान्य


  1. Powdered Saunf/ पीसी हुई सौंफ 
  2. Honey/ शहद 

  1. Applying mixture of powdered fennel seeds and honey daily will make the skin to glow 
  2. You will visibly start noticing it in 15 days 
  1. पीसी हुई सौंफ और शहद का मिक्सचर रोज़ाना लगाने से चहेरे पे चमक आती है 
  2. इसे 15 दिन लगाने के उपरांत आप बदलाव नोटिस करेंगे 

Saunf/almond/mishri/remedy eye disorder

  1. 1 tsp of  powdered saunf
  2. 4 almonds
  3. 5 mihri
  4. 1 glass of warm milk

  1. १ छोटी चमच्च सौंफ का पाउडर 
  2. 4 बादाम 
  3. 5 मिश्री 
  4. 1 ग्लास गरम दूध 

  1. Eating 1 tsp of powdered saunf along with almonds and mishri along with warm milk for 40 days helps in curing any type of eye disorder

  1. रोज़ाना 1 छोटी चमच्च सौंफ का पाउडर बादाम, मिश्री, गरम दूध के साथ ४० दिनों तक खाने से हर प्रकार की आँख की तकलीफ ठीक होने लगती है  

Saunf ki Chai/ Fennel seeds Tea/ Body toxin remedy


  1. 2 tsp of fennel seeds
  2. 1 tsp of sugar
  3. 1 cup of water
  4. 5 tsp of milk
  5. 1 inch of ginger

  1. 2 छोटी चमच्च सौंफ 
  2. १ छोटी चमच्च शक्कर 
  3. १ कप पानी 
  4. ५ छोटी चमच्च दूध 
  5. १ इंच अदरक 
  1. In a pan add water, sugar, grated ginger, and fennel seeds and bring it to boil on medium flame.
  2. Let it boil for 5 minutes, add milk and bring it to boil
  3. Drinking this regular empty stomach helps in increasing body toxins :)

  1. एक डोंगे में पानी, कसा हुआ अदरक, सौंफ, चीनी मिलाये और उबाल आने दे मीडियम गैस पे 
  2. अगले 5 मिनट तक उबलने दे, फिर दूध मिक्स करे और उबाले 
  3. इसे रोज़ाना खाली पेट पीने से बॉडी में टोक्सिन बढाती है 

Musk Melon Seeds

  1. Helps in Getting rid from Intestinal Worms
  2. Helps in relieving Mind tension
  3. Helps in keeping Mind cool
  4. Helps in curing cough
  5. Helps in curing indigestion
  6. Helps in Weight Loss
  7. These seeds are good source of Vitamin A,C
  8. Excellent source of protein
  9. Keeps Heart Healthy
  10. Promotes Heart & Hair Growth
  11. Prevents from Diabetes
  12. Fight from summer Cold

Butter Paneer Masala with Coconut milk


  1. Paneer- 250 grams
  2. Coconut oil- 4 tsp
  3. Onion turned into paste- 1
  4. Tomato blended- 2
  5. Ginger-garlic paste- 1 tsp
  6. cumin seeds powder- 1 tsp
  7. coriander powder- 1 tsp
  8. paprika- 1 tsp
  9. Coconut milk- 1 cup
  10. garam masala- 1 tsp
  11. Salt- as per taste
  12. coriander leaves- 1/4 cup chopped
  13. Almonds in powdered form- 1/2 cup
  1. In a kadhai/pan add oil, as the oil heats up add onion, when the colour of onion turns transparent, add ginger-garlic paste.
  2. Now add tomato paste, cumin seeds powder, coriander powder, paprika, salt and cook for 10 minutes
  3. Add almonds powder and mix well, cook it for 5 minutes
  4. Now add coconut milk and mix and again let it cook for next 10 minutes.
  5. Now add garam masala, and add paneer cubes and mix well.
  6. Add corainder leaves mix well, let it cook for next 2 minutes and turn off the gas.
  7. Here is butter paneer ready to serve with naan, chapati, indian bread

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Saunf/ Fennel Seeds

  1. Keeps oral cavity healthy
  2. Relives from Cough
  3. It’s a good source of fibers, vitamin & minerals
  4. Prevents from Cancer, aging.
  5. Provides relief from constipation
  6. Lowers serum cholesterol level
  7. Controls heart rate & Blood pressure
  8. Helps in maintaining weight as it’s a good source of antioxidant
  9. Protects from Infection
  10. Removes Bad Breath
  11. Provides relief from Menstrual Pain & cramp
  12. Improves Food Digestion
  13. Cures Heat Strokes in Summers
  14. Makes skin smooth
  15. Makes Skin to glow
  16. Makes Hair Strong & Healthy
  17. Enhances Breast Size
  18. Keeps Away from Acidity
  19. Cures Eye Disorder
  20. Increases Estrogen
  21. Good source of Body toxin

Bitter Gourd Remedies for Malarial Fever

Ingredients/ आवश्यक सामग्री:

  1. Bitter Gourd- 1
  2. Honey 1 tsp
  3. Salt- 1/2 tsp
  4. Lemon- 1/2

  1. करेला-1 
  2. शहद- 1 चमच्च 
  3. नमक-1/2 चमच्च 
  4. नीबू-1/2 

  1. Wash Bitter melon cut bitter melon, remove seeds
  2. Apply lemon and salt on bitter melon and keep it aside for ½ hour
  3. After ½ hour, wash bitter melon thoroughly
  4. Now extract ½ cup of juice with juicer
  5. Add 1 tsp of honey in ½ cup of bitter melon juice
  6. Drink this mixture 3 times a day, this will help in curing malarial fever

  1. करेले को धोये बीच में से काटे और उसके बीज निकल लें 
  2. अब नीबू और नमक लगाकर 1/2 घंटे के लिए साइड में रख दें 
  3. 1/2 घंटे बाद करेले को अच्छे से धो लें और जूसर की सहायता से उसका जूस निकाल लें 
  4. अब 1/2 कप करेले जूस में 1 चमच्च शहद मिक्स करे 
  5. इस मिक्सचर को दिन में ३ बार पीने से मलेरिया का बुखार ठीक हो जाता है 

Aloo-Tamatar ki sabzi/ Agra wali aloo ki sabzi

  1. 2 big potatoes, cut in cubes
  2. 1 tomato
  3. 1 tsp of turmeric powder
  4. 1 tsp of coriander powder
  5. 1/2 tsp of salt
  6. 2 tsp of oil
  7. 1 tsp of cumin seeds

  1. In a cooker, add oil on medium flame, as the oil heats up add cumin seeds
  2. When the cumin seeds starts to crackle, add potato cubes, toss the cooker
  3. Now add turmeric powder, coriander powder, salt and a full tomato
  4. Now add 1 cup of water to it and cook it on medium flame till 4 whistles
  5. After 4 whistles, let the cooker release its pressure itself.
  6. Now open cooker, sieve the tomato so that the skin will get separated and pulp of tomato will automatically sieve in cooker
  7. Mix the pulp of tomato 
  8. Here is yummy agra wali aloo tamatar ki sabzi ready to serve with paratha, roti, 

हिंदी में रेसिपी के लिए ये लिंक दबाये Agra ale alloo ki sabzi in Hindi

Bitter Gourd Juice

Ingredients/ आवश्यक सामग्री :

  1. Medium size Bitter Gourd- 1 or small size 2
  2. Lemon/Lime-1
  3. Salt- 1 tsp
  1. मीडियम साइज करेले-1 या छोटे साइज-2 
  2. नीबू-1 
  3. नमक-1 छोटा चमच्च 

Method/विधि :

  1. Wash Bitter melon cut bitter melon, remove seeds
  2. Apply lemon and salt on bitter melon and keep it aside for ½ hour
  3. After ½ hour, wash bitter melon thoroughly
  4. Now extract juice with juicer of bitter melon
  5. Drinking ½ cup of extracted juice helps in maintaining diabetes, increasing insulin in blood, cures in breast cancer if at early cancer. 

  1. करेला धोये और इसके बीज निकाले 
  2. अब करेले पर नमक और नीबू लगाये और 1/2 घंटे के लिए साइड में रख दें 
  3. 1/2 घंटे बाद फिरसे इसे अच्छे से धो लें 
  4. अब करेला का जूस निकाले, जूसर की मदद से 
  5. रोज़ 1/2 कप करेला का जूस पीने से डायबिटीज कंट्रोल में रहता है, खून में इन्सुलिन की मात्रा भड़ती है, यह कैंसर में बी मदद करता है 

Remedies with Karela/ Bitter Gourd

  1. Helps in Curing Diabetes
  2. Helps in curing malaria fever
  3. Prevents from Breast Cancer
  4. Helps in reliving gastric problems
  5. Helps in healing fever
  6. Provides relief from indigestion
  7. Provides relief from stomach Ache
  8. Regulates metabolism, benefits weight loss
  9. Helps in reducing alcoholism
  10. Helps in reducing intestinal worms
  11. Blood purifier
  12. Helps in getting from psoriasis
  13. Helps preventing from fungal infection
  14. Reduces skin inflammation from scabies
  15. Helps in treatment of respiratory disorders
  16. Cures constipation
  17. Increases Insulin in blood
  18. Carrier of anti-oxidant
  19. Helps in curing acnes
  20. Gives a glow on skin
  21. Cures Cholera when consumed at early stage

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Gobi Aloo Matar veg / Cauliflower potato peas veg


  1. Cauliflower- 250 gms (Floret)
  2. Potato- 2 cut in medium size
  3. 1 Onion- medium size chopped
  4. Peas- 100 grams
  5. Green chilli- 1 chopped
  6. Ginger- garlic paste- 1tsp
  7. Coriander leaves- 1/4 cup chopped
  8. Cumin seeds- 1 tsp
  9. Coriander powder- 1tsp
  10. Garam Masala- 1/2 ts
  11. Oil- 2tsp
  12. Turmeric Powder- 1tsp
  13. Salt as per taste

  1. In a PAn add oil and keep it on medium flame, as the oil heats up add cumin seeds & when the seeds starts to crackle add chopped green chilli, ginger- garlic paste.
  2. When the colour of green chillies starts to change add potatoes and florets of cauliflower add turmeric powder, stir it, cover it with lid and cook it on slow flame for 10 minutes with stirring occasionally
  3. After 10 minutes add chopped onion, salt and again cook it with covered lif, slow flame for 5 minutes
  4. Now add peas, 2 tablespoon of water, Coriander powder and cook it for next 5 minutes (if peas used are frozen) or for 10 minutes.
  5. Now turn off the gas, add garam masala and coriander leaves, mix well and cover it with lid for next 2-3 minutes 
  6. Here is yummy sukka veg ready to serve.

हिंदी में रेसिपी के लिए Aloo gobi matar ki veg

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Gobi Manchurian

Time Taken-45 minutes


  1. Cauliflower cut into florets 500g
  2. Cornstarch - 8 tablespoons
  3. 3-4 finely chopped green chillies
  4. Spring onion leaves
  5. Salt to taste
  6. Oil 2 tbsp
  7. 1/2 teaspoon garlic paste
  8. 1/2 teaspoon ginger paste
  9. 1 medium green capsicum, chopped
  10. Onion chopped 1 medium
  11. 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  12. carrot- 1 finely chopped
  13. Vinegar 2 tbsp
  14. 1/4 teaspoon sugar
  1. Wash and drain cauliflower florets. Make a batter of six tablespoons of cornstarch, green chillies, 1/2 cup of water and salt to taste.
  2. Dissolve the remaining two tablespoons of cornstarch in quarter cup of water and keep aside for sauce.
  3. Heat sufficient oil in a kadai. Dip each cauliflower floret in the prepared batter and deep fry till golden brown. Remove and drain onto an absorbent paper. 
  4. To make the sauce 
  5. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a pan and gently fry the garlic paste and the ginger paste.
  6. Add the chopped capsicum, carrot and onion. Stir in the soya sauce and vegetable stock. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for two minutes.
  7. Add the vinegar, sugar and adjust salt to taste.
  8. Stir in the dissolved cornstarch and cook stirring continuously till the mixture thickens and starts bubbling. Add the fried cauliflower florets. Mix well to coat and cook for two minutes more.
  9. sprinkle chopped spring onion leaves and here is yummy gobi manchurian ready to serve

हिंदी में रेसिपी के लिए ->Gobi Manchurian in Hindi

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Chawal ki Kheer, Rice Pudding

Servings- 4 bowls


  1. Full Cream Milk- 1 litre
  2. Rice- 1/2 cup
  3. Sugar- 6 spoon
  4. Cardamom Powder of 2 in powdered form
  5. Almonds in thin longitude shape
  6. Raisins/ Kishmish- 10

  1. In a pan take 800 ml of milk and bring it to boil at medium flame.
  2. Wash Rice and add this washed rice o boiling milk
  3. Now turn the gas to slow flame, cook it for next 20 minutes, stir the milk occasionally to prevent it to stick to pan.
  4. after 20 minutes, remove a rice grain and check whether the rice is completely cooked, for this press the rice and see there is no grain left when u press it should be soft and breaks with no grains left.
  5. Now mix sugar, and cook milk till it turns to thick then turn wise add 100 ml of milk twice and cook for 5 minutes each stirring occasionally.
  6. Then add raisins and almonds to the milk and rice mixture and then cook for 5 minutes.
  7. In the last add cardamom powder, stir well, turn the gas off and cover the pan with lid.
  8. After 10 minutes here is Chawal ki kheer ready to serve :)

हिंदी में रेसिपी के लिए Chawal ki Kheer in hindi

Monday, April 20, 2015

Baigan ka bharta

  1. Baigan big size-1
  2. Green chilli chopped-1
  3. Garlic Cloves- 4
  4. Onion Chopped-1
  5. Tomato Chopped- 1/2
  6. Grated ginger- 1 tsp
  7. Curry leaves (option)- 4-5 leaves
  8. Mustard Oil- 4 tsp
  9. Cumin seeds- 1tsp
  10. Turmeric powder- 1tsp
  11. Red chilli powder- ½ tsp
  12. Garam masala- ½ tsp

  1. Pork knife dipped in oil in different parts of egg elephant and roast directly on flame till the egg elephant softens and cooks completely
  2. Now let it cool down and mash it
  3. In a Fry Pan add oil, as the oil heats up, add cumin seeds, curry leaves, chopped garlic, grated ginger and let the garlic turns to golden colour.
  4. Then add Onion and chilli powder and cook the onion till it turns transparent
  5. Now add tomato, turmeric powder and cook it for 5 minutes with covered lid.
  6. Finally add mashed cooked egg elephants, salt, garam masala, mix it well and cook it for next 5 minutes & here is Baigan ka Bharta ready to serve with Roti, Chapatti,bread. 

Simple Lauki ki Sabzi

  1. Lauki- 1 peeled and chopped in mid size
  2. Cumin seeds- 2 tsp
  3. Asfotedia- ½ tsp
  4. turmeric powder- 1 tsp
  5. Salt- ½ tsp
  6. Lemon juice of ½ lemon
  7. Oil- 1 tsp

  1. In a cooker, add oil and keep it on medium flame.
  2. As the oil heats up add asfotedia, cumin seeds and when th seeds starts to crackle  add mid-size chopped lauki to it
  3. Mix it then add turmeric powder and salt.
  4. Mix it again and add ¼ cup of water, cover the lid of cooker and cook it till 2 whistles of cooker at medium flame.
  5. As the pressure of cooker releases squeeze lemon and mix well
  6. Serve the sabzi with Chappati, Roti

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Vegetable Raita

  1. ½ onion chopped
  2. 1 medium tomato chopped
  3. 1 green chille chopped
  4. ½ cucumber chopped
  5. ¼ green pepper chopped
  6. ¼ cup of coriander leaves chopped
  7. Curd- 250 grams
  8. ½ tsp of sugar
  9. Salt made at home as per taste

  1. Whisk curd by add 100ml of water
  2. Now add the ingredients stated above and mix very well
  3. Now cool it in refrigerator or add ice cubes

Home made Salt


  1. 1 bowl of White Salt
  2. 2 tablespn of Senda Salt
  3. 1 tbspn of Black Salt
  4. 1 tbspn of black pepper powder

  1. Mix all the ingredients well and here the salt is ready to sprinkle on raita, fruits, salads etc

Cold Coffee

  1. 2 glass of milk
  2. 2 tablespoon of sugar
  3. 1 tablespn of coffee powder
  4. Ice cubes

  1. In a blender, mix all the ingredients except ice-cubes and blend it for around 5 minutes
  2. Now add ace cubes to the mixture and serve it cool

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Palak Corns

  1. 1 bunch of Spinach
  2. 1 onion blended in smooth paste
  3. 2 tomato blended in smooth paste
  4. 2 chilies blended in smooth paste
  5. 1 inch of ginger blended in smooth paste
  6. Frozen Corns- 1 1/2 cups
  7. Cumin seeds- 1 tsp
  8. Turmeric Powder- 1 tsp
  9. Coriander powder- 1 tsp
  10. Chili Powder- 1/4 tsp
  11. Salt- 1 tsp
  12. Garam Masala- 1/2 tsp
  13. Butter/ Ghee/Oil- 20 grams

  1. Wash leaves of spinach and put the leaves in cooker, add 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder and cook it till 2 whistle with medium flame.
  2. After the spinach leaves cools down, blend the leaves to smooth paste. 
  3. Now In a fry pan, add butter, as the butter warms up add cumin seeds, when the seeds starts to crackle add green chilli paste, ginger paste and saute for 2 minutes, then add paste of onion.
  4. Cook the mixture for 5 minute on medium flame then add tomato paste, turmeric powder, coriander powder, salt and corns and cook it for next 10 minutes at medium flame with covered lid.
  5. You will notice the colour of mixture changed to little dark brown then add the blended spinach and mix well.
  6. Now add garam masala, and cook it for next 7-8 minutes on medium flame with covered lid.
  7. Here your yummy Palak Corns is ready to be served with bread, naan, Roti, Chappati. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Suji Ka Halwa/sweets

  1. 1/2 cup of Rava/Suji
  2. 2 tblspn of Desi Ghee
  3. 4 tblspn of brown/white sugar
  4. 1 1/2 cup of water
  1. Take a kadhai add rava and place it on medium flame.
  2. Roast Rava till its colour changes to dark golden brown
  3. Add Desi ghee to it, turn the gas to low flame and roast it for next 5 minutes
  4. Now add water to it cook it on medium flame till the water evaporates.
  5. Here is the yummmy halwa ready.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Corn Uttapam/Corns Pan cakes

  1. 2 cup selomani/suji/ Rava
  2. 2 tblsp of maida/ all-purpose flour
  3. 2 chillies chopped
  4. 1 inch of ginger grated
  5. ½ cup of carrot grated
  6. 1 ½ cup of corns frozen
  7. Salt- 1 tsp
  8. ½ cup of coriander leaves chopped
  9. Ghee/ Oil/ Butter for cooking
  10. 1 cup of Curd water/ butter milk

Batter after mixing all Ingredients
  1. First wash the frozen corns and grind the corns roughly in a mixer
  2. Now mix Rava, Maida, Chopped chillies, grated ginger, grated carrot, Grinded corn, salt, coriander leaves, butter milk or curd water.
  3. Keep it aside for 30 minutes, after 30 minutes once again stir the mixture.
  4. Now keep a non-stick  tawa on medium flame and pour the ladle full of batter and spread to make a medium sized, thick pancake (like a uttapam).
    Spredaing of batter on Tawa
  5. Apply oil around the edges and cook on both sides until golden.
  6. Serve with ketchup/green chutney.

Dhabhewali Daal/Maa ki Daal

To be cooked in Cooker
  1. Arhar Daal- 1 cup
  2. Chana Daal- ½ cup
  3. Salt- ½ tsp
  4. Turmeric powder- 1 tsp

For tadka:
  1. 3 tblsp of Ghee/Oil
  2. 5 garlic cloves sliced
  3. 2 chillies chopped
  4. 1 onion chopped
  5. 1 tomato chopped
  6. 6-8 button mushroom chopped
  7. 1 tsp of cumin seeds
  8. ¼ tsp of asafoetida
  9. ½ tsp of turmeric powder
  10. ½ tsp of chilli powder

Daal Boiled in cooker
  1. Wash both the lentil i.e. Arhar and chana daal and put them in cooker with 1 glass of water, salt and turmeric powder and cook them till 2 whistle with slow flame.
  2. Let the pressure cooker self-release its pressure
  3. Now in pan, add Ghee or oil, as the ghee heats up add asafoetida, cumin seeds and when the seeds starts to crackle, add sliced garlic and fry it till it changes its colour to golden brown.
  4. Then add chillies and cook of 2 minutes, add chopped onion, chili powder, chopped mushrooms and cook it on medium flame till the colour of onion changes to golden, add chopped tomato, turmeric powder and cook it for next 5 minutes till the tomatoes softens.
  5. Add ½ tsp of salt to tadka and then add the cooked daal in the fry pan and cook it till comes to boil.
  6. Tadka ready to add daal
  7. Squeeze a lemon into the daal and here  dhaba daal is ready to serve with Roti, chapati, Rice. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Palak Mushroom


  1. 1 bunch of Spinach
  2. 1 onion blended in smooth paste
  3. 2 tomato blended in smooth paste
  4. 2 chilies blended in smooth paste
  5. 1 inch of ginger blended in smooth paste
  6. Button Mushroom- 150 grams (chopped roughly)
  7. Cumin seeds- 1 tsp
  8. Turmeric Powder- 1 tsp
  9. Coriander powder- 1 tsp
  10. Chili Powder- 1/4 tsp
  11. Salt- 1 tsp
  12. Garam Masala- 1/2 tsp
  13. Butter/ Ghee/Oil- 20 grams


  1. Wash leaves of spinach and put the leaves in cooker, add 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder and cook it till 2 whistle with medium flame.
  2. After the spinach leaves cools down, blend the leaves to smooth paste
  3. Now In a fry pan, add butter, as the butter warms up add cumin seeds, when the seeds starts to crackle add green chilli paste, ginger paste and saute for 2 minutes, then add paste of onion.
  4. Cook the mixture for 5 minute on medium flame then add tomato paste, turmeric powder, coriander powder, salt and mushroom and cook it for next 10 minutes at medium flame with covered lid.
  5. You will notice the colour of mixture changed to little dark brown then add the blended spinach and mix well.
  6. Now add garam masala, and cook it for next 7-8 minutes on medium flame with covered lid.
  7. Here your yummy Palak Mushroom is ready to be served with bread, naan, Roti, Chappati. 

All the ingredients are available at

Spaghetti & Paneerballs

For Paneer Balls:

  1. Paneer (Cheese cottage)- 500 grms
  2. Onion: 1 (finely chopped)
  3. One cup fresh breadcrumbs
  4. Paprika powder: 1 tsp
  5. Salt: 1 ½ tsp
  6. Pepper: ½ tsp
  7. Oil: 1 cup (for frying

For Sauce:

  1. Tomatoes: 5 large (finely chopped)
  2. Onions: 1 (finely chopped)
  3. Garlic cloves: 6-7 large (minced)
  4. Cheese (preferably parmesan): ¼ cup (grated)
  5. Fresh parsley: 1/4 cup
  6. Salt: 1 tsp
  7. Olive oil: 2 tbsp 

For Noodles:

  1. Spaghetti: 500g
  2. Spring onions: 1 cup (finely chopped)
  3. Parmesan cheese: 1 cup
  4. Salt: 1 ½ tsp
  5. Vegetables like carrots, bell peppers, cabbage, spinach, and button mushrooms work very well with spaghetti. Chop them to bite size. 

Paneer Balls & Sauce

  1. First get the paneer balls ready. Add paneer, onion, parsley, breadcrumbs and rest of the seasoning. It's time to get your hands in and mix the ingredients really well.
  2. Roll the paneer mixture to equal sized balls. You can do this prep way before dinnertime as well. Just make the paneer balls and put them in the freezer.
  3. When you're ready to fry the paneer balls, take a non-stick frying pan and put it on the gas on medium. Add the oil and as the oil heats up.  Now, pop the paneer balls one by one and fry them till they are brown. The paneer balls will brown better if spaced out a bit, so be patient with this!
  4. Meanwhile, make the sauce. Heat the oil on a flat heavy-bottomed pan. Add the minced garlic and bring it to a sizzle. Stir in the onion and let them caramelise.  
  5. Stir in the tomatoes and add the salt. Cook it till the tomatoes soften up. Then add the canned puree. Add  water and bring it to a boil.
  6. Now add the paneer balls to the sauce and cover the pan with a lid. Let the paneer balls cook in the sauce, on a simmer, for 15 minutes.
  7. After 15 minutes, open the lid and check for the sauce consistency. It should be thick enough to stick to the paneer balls.
  8. Add the parsley and the grated cheese on top before removing the pan from the fire.
  9. The paneer balls are ready to be served.

For Noodles:

  1. Boil water in a pan. Once the water starts boiling, pop the Noodles into the water and cook it according to the package directions; drain and return it to the pot. Add a teaspoon on oil and mix well, this way the spaghetti/Noodles won't stick together.
  2. In a large skillet, add oil and toss the vegetables till they are roasted.
  3. Now, add the spaghetti bit by bit while adding salt to it  so that the salt is evenly spread. Mix the vegetables well with the spaghetti. Take it off the gas.
  4. Garnish with the grated cheese.
  5. Drizzle the spaghetti Paneer balls, before serving.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Paneer Wings

For Paneer Wing
  1. Bread crumbs-5 tblspn
  2. All purpose flour- 1 tblspn
  3. Corn Flour- 2tspn
  4. Milk- ½ cup
  5. Paneer- 250 gms

Spicy Sauce:
  1. ½ cup butter melted
  2. ½ cup butter
  3. Tabasco Sauce- 4 tblspn
  4. Brown sugar/ white sugar- ¾ tsp
  5. Salt- 1 tsp
  6. Paparika- 1 tsp
  7. Balsamic Vinegar- 1 tsp
  8. Cayenne Pepper- 2 tblspn
  9. Chilli Sauce- 1 tsp

  1. In a bowl mix all the ingredients of Sauce and mix well and keep aside
  2. Take a bowl mix all purpose flour, Corn flour, bread crumbs, milk and mix well and make a thick batter.
  3. Cut Paneer in cub and dip them in thick batter, mix slowly so that paneer doesn’t break and the batter gets coated on paneer.
  4. In a fry pan, heat oil to the frying level put the batter coated paneer and deep fry till all the side gets dark golden brown.
  5. Now dip this Paneer wings in spicy sauce and serve this with Ketchup.

  • You can interchange Paneer with Chicken 

Lauki(Bottle Gouad, Dhudhi) ke kofte

For making Kofte
  1. 1 Medium size bottle guard (doodhi, lauki)
  2. ¾ cup gram flour
  3. ½ tsp salt
  4. Oil for deep frying

For making gravy
  1. 2 medium size onion grinded in smooth paste
  2. 2 medium size tomato grinded in smooth paste
  3. 2 green chillies chopped
  4. 1 tsp of cumin seeds
  5. ½ tsp of coriander powder
  6. 1 tsp of turmeric powder
  7. ½ tsp of garam masala
  8. ½ cup of milk
  9. 2 tbsp of cashew-nut powder
  10. 2 tbsp of chopped coriander leaves
  11. 2 tsp of oil

  1. Grate the guard n add gram flour, salt and keep it aside for 20 minutes.
  2. Now grind Onion, tomato separately.
  3. Now take a Kadhai, or fry pan for making kofte of step 1 batter.
  4. Heat the oil, as the Oil warms up start dipping each spoon full of batter in oil and fry it till it turns to golden brown in colour.
  5. Keep the fried kofte on soaking tissue paper, do the same with the rest of the batter.
  6. Now take a separate pan add 2 tsp of oil, as the oil heats up add cumin seeds and when the seeds starts to crackle add chopped green chillies.
  7. As the colour of chillies start to change add paste of onion cook onion on low flame for 10 minutes.
  8. When the colour of onion starts to change little golden add cashew-nut powder, tomato paste, turmeric powder, coriander powder and again let it cook for next 10 minutes on low flame with closed lid.
  9. Now add milk, salt, garam masala and stir well, add fried koftes to the gravy and sprinkle coriander leaves.
  10. Here is yummy koftes ready to serve.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Mooong Lentils Sandwich


  1. White / Brown Bread- 4 slices 
  2. Moong dal - 1 small bowl 
  3. Roasted peanuts (without skin)- 50 grams
  4. Green Chutney


  1. Soak the dal overnight, this will help you grind it easily 
  2. Drain the water; grind the dal into a fine paste and mix salt as per taste
  3. Grind all the ingredients of the green chutney and grind into a fine paste 
  4. Take a slice of bread, spread the chutney and then the ground dal Break the peanuts into halves and crush them by pressing them between two sheets of paper 
  5. Then sprinkle them over the spread 
  6. Spread some butter in a pan and grill the sandwich for a while 
  7. Your healthy Moong Dal Sandwich is ready